Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cold Fusion Primer

I'm not going to spend to much time in the general area of web development. If your reading this blog I belief you are reading it with the intent on learning the cold fusion web application specifics, not what the world wide web stands for or it's history.

Cold fusion is an application development language designed by Adobe.

It was designed to make web applications more dynamic and easier to deploy. Cold fusion allows simple web tags to be added to html pages to allow developers to connect to many different types of back ends, including databases and files.

The Cold Fusion application runs on a cold fusion application server.

The Cold Fusion application server has a built in Web Server for easy deployment in development areas. This Cold Fusion application server is truly designed to run behind a web server, such as Apache or IIS. The web server, then reviews the incoming file extension if the file extension is for a static page such as ".htm", ".html", ".doc" the web server retrieves the data and sends the data back to the application requesting it. If on the other hand the request uses a dynamic extension such as ".cfm", ".cfml", ".pl", ".asp" the web server determines which application server to pass the request off to. In the case of ".cfm" and ".cfml" extension this is the Cold Fusion application server. The Cold Fusion application server translates the cfm, or cfml into java byte code and processes the request using JRUN. Essentially all cold fusion apps are compiled into Java code, without the developer needing to understand the in and outs of JAVA.

Cold Fusion can use any editor to edit files, as long as they produce text files, the two most common editors for cold fusion are Dreamweaver and Eclipse.

Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion Simplified is easy to learn instructions on using Cold Fusion.

It's been along time since I did anything with Cold Fusion so this will be a learning experience for me as well as anyone reading this blog.

I've started to look at the Cold Fusion programming language due to some changes at the company I work for. The company has been looking to change our web applications to another programming language and we have started to review the Cold Fusion programming language as a solution for rapid development.

I plan on building upon the knowledge I have of the product from past experience and grow it to be able to support developers working on projects directly related to cold fusion.

I have a strong back ground in oracle, pl/sql, php, mysql, perl and shell scripting. I intend to build my knowledge in Cold Fusion to match my knowledge in other application languages.

I'll start with basic training exercises and grow these tutorials into full suites of definable applications.